On QNAP devices, DA Drive Analyzer users can be separated into two types: Main Registered Users (MRUs) and Viewers. MRUs are the users who logged in to the DA Drive Analyzer Application on their NAS device. Most users will be MRUs. Viewers are users whom MRUs have given permission to view their device's drive health information. MRUs can add Viewers by clicking on the Viewer List under the Main Registered User dropdown.
The purpose of differentiating between MRUs and Viewers is to allow an individual who is not physically close to the NAS device to nonetheless monitor its health on behalf of the individual who is near the NAS device. For example, let's say that a company has offices with NAS devices at multiple locations, each staffed by a separate team. Each team's leader can install the DA Drive Analyzer application onto their NAS device and log into it as the MRU. In addition, if their company has an IT administrator, each MRU can add the IT administrator as a Viewer, so that the IT administrator can log into DA Portal and view the drive health status of all teams' devices at once.
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